Community Inclusion
Out Reach / Day Supports
IRC Outreach/Day supports focus on an individuals needs for support around daily activity. Individuals are supported to explore opportunities in the community to expand their skill base as well as to expand social circle through various windows. IRC supports individuals to enjoy a broad range of activities which expand ones community living experience.
Supports include but are not limited to:
Employment investigation and assistance
Health and personal safety
Community access
Appointment supports
Liaison with involved professionals
Relationship maintenance
Increased personal power
Daily management of activities
Pursuit of personal goals
A Hybrid supported home share is a wrap around model of support and care that Inter Resource Consulting provides to individuals with complex behavioural, risk & action social and medical needs. Individuals as placed into carefully matched family care homes and receive enhanced funding to provide specialized care. Hybrid supported home share also receive an increased amount of case management from IRC management. This model offers structured home environment for individuals who require a level of specialized care and supports.
Home Share
Residential Supports are defined as:
Any support provided to an individual in a home where they reside. Individuals are offered supports that will enrich their home life as well as increase personal knowledge and skill level. Individuals who reside in a specialized residential setting are given opportunity to provide valuable input into an inclusive family environment. Quality of life is enhanced by recognizing that the individual receives increased satisfaction by having meaningful and valued social interaction daily.
Supports include but are not limited to:
Daily living skills
Hygiene skills
Personal Health Management
Budgeting and financial assistance
Sexual health
Liaison with professional supports.
Support for appointments (i.e.: medical)
Transit training
Educational supports
Community and personal safety
Positive role modelling
Sensitive companionship
Home maintenance
Medication supervision and administration
Community access